When President George W. Bush announced that a new agency called the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was going to be created following the 9/11 Islamic terror bombing and destruction of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon in New York, the nation cheered. There was a sense that the government was finally going to do something that directly related to Islamic terrorism and illegal immigration that was threatening the peace and security of everyone within the United States borders. Little did anyone know that Democrats would turn it into a giant bureaucracy stuffed by overpaid union thugs who irritate citizens and spend a good deal of their time as an illegal alien taxi and resettlement service. We should have known better.
Since illegal immigration seems to be sanctioned by both the Democrats looking for new voters and establishment Republicans looking to provide their big business patrons with cheap labor, it only stands to reason that oversight and punishment for this dereliction of duty is not carried out by government unless non-government organizations shine a light on what is going on.
Illegal aliens, including criminals, taxied to Phoenix and released, page 2:
Congress is playing golf with Obama ! It’s a fact they are NOT doing thier jobs. Get ALL of them for treason.
This is an OUTRAGEOUS breach of trust and dishonesty that puts Americans at risk!
They just REFUSE to listen to who it is WE THE PEOPLE want this election…More than a third of the GOP wants to stop Trump before or during the convention.
Politico reported: Nearly four-in-10 Republican members of The POLITICO Caucus — a panel of activists, operatives and strategists in 10 key states — would like to see changes that could deny Trump the party’s nod after the presumptive nominee began the November campaign without a credible campaign structure, in addition to making a series of erratic and inflammatory comments. Among the comments was a recent suggestion that an American-born judge presiding over a civil suit in which he is a defendant can’t be impartial because of the judge’s Mexican heritage
The majority of GOP insiders, a little more than 60 percent, expressed either hesitance or disdain for such an effort. Many warned against overturning the will of the GOP electorate: Trump has won 1,447 bound delegates and has commitments from another 95 unbound delegates — putting him well over the 1,237 needed to clinch the nomination.
But with just six weeks to go until the GOP convention, more than a third want to see the party throw out those rules, unbind the delegates and allow them to choose a different candidate. For many of them, it isn’t as much about winning this year’s election: Trump as the nominee, they believe, represents an existential threat to the party.
“Trump’s continued descent into madness is dragging the GOP down with him,” said a Florida Republican, who like all respondents, completed the survey anonymously. “A convention switchup would be great politics and save the GOP.”
Read more: (Link: http://www.politico.com)
Liberals in action
Yes ! you are right, We need to take down the Muslim . Obama is working with them to take over our country. That is why they do not want Trump in. He well stop it. Everyone needs to watch The Third Jihad. Movie documentary (2008)A film maker examines the threat radical Muslim pose to western civilization. CAIR is not who they really say they are. People we need Trump in. He is the only one that well fight for our country. OUR GOVERNMENT IS LYING TO THEM SELVES AND TO US. EVERYONE MUST PULL TOGETHER BEFORE IT IS TO LATE. THIS IS WHY OBAMA WELL NOT CALL THEM TERRORIST. BECAUSE HE IS ONE OF THEM. WE MUST GET THEM OUT OF OUR GOVERNMENT AND START DEPORTING THEM. THEY ARE TEACHING THEM TO HATE OUR WAY OF LIFE. RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES. THIS IS WHY OABAMA AND HILLARY WANT TO TAKE OUR GUNS. THIS IS WHY OBAMA IS TAKING OUR BIBLES AWAY FROM OUR TROOPS. MAKING OUR SOLDER BOW DOWN TO THEIR CULTURE OVER SEAS. IF YOU WANT THEM TO TAKE OVER. THEN BE DUMB ENOUGH TO VOTE FOR KILLARY.
This too, is treason!
STOP IT YOU BASTARDS, enough is enough, if you don’t stop bringing them in, we’re gonna have to start taking them out, this is TREASON a hanging offence. Now KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!
Sadly, this should never be happening in America. We have thousands who are patiently waiting to enter our country “legally” and the Obama Administration is giving these “ILLEGALS” a free pass. Truly disgusting.
Not so quietly now that we know about it!