Immigration, an issue that has been simmering for some time, was taken to a new level with the Trump candidacy and his controversial call for a wall to be built along the Mexican border. The issue of immigration, especially on the Mexican border, touches many others: drug trafficking, infiltration by terrorists, and impact on employment opportunities for American citizens.
The controversy isn’t helped by stories of migrants flowing into the country unchecked and not properly vetted. Especially if this happens on orders of the Department of Homeland Security.
Would a federal department named, “Homeland Security,” actually act in a manner that truly threatens the nation’s security? Check out page two for the answer.
Hope they go too his house get him first!
When They Start Causing Trouble – And THEY WILL, I’d Hate To Be YOU…
Well the only I can said if Trump is not elected our next President, I can only hope that all those refugees who turn out to be terrorists will be living next to all liberals with children, you asked for it when they start raping your kids and wife and blowing up your neighborhood!!
If your a christian you believe in god you better pray that hillary does not win or your life as a christian will be no more
They are NOT welcome here!
Why are you following dangerous unconstitutional laws and orders! WAKE UP!!!!
Then fine they can be shown his door first.
This is against the law and everyone involved needs to be arrested for treason.
And this how our government officials honors their sworn oaths to protect the citizens, our constitution and country??
Send them right to the Whitehouse and feel free to give them addresses for Obama’s house, Hillary’s house, biden house and all those in Obama’s staff