In George Orwell’s book “1984,” written in 1949 when that date was well in the future, a tyrannical central government order was depicted that was both terrifying and oddly familiar to anyone living today. The authoritarian control and lack of free will discussed by Orwell seems to be reflected more and more in today’s heavy-handed one-world government efforts, but one of the most disturbing parallels is the abuse of speech that is going on, particularly under the Obama administration.
In Orwell’s book, language is manipulated, and such phrases such as “War is Peace,” “Freedom is Slavery,” and “Ignorance is Strength” are propounded, and people manipulated by such nonsense. The protagonist, Winston Smith, works for the Ministry of Truth, which is a government agency dedicated to propaganda and deception.
Unfortunately, the same concept is being mandated from the White House, and we have seen Obama himself refuse to admit that the vast majority of terrorism and violence being perpetrated in the world today is radical Islam, practiced by Islamic terrorists who want to spread violent jihad throughout the world.
Obama insists that it does not matter that he will not name who the enemy is, but that is preposterous, and is also indicative that Obama is at least a sympathizer, if not a confederate in the evil actions of the Islamic jihadi. He is also determined to minimize or assign blame to the source of evil that includes beheadings, mass murders, rape of children and young girls, kidnappings, bombings.
Why anyone would refuse to identify the perpetrators of such barbarity is simply evil. Instead, the president seeks to obscure and hide those who are guilty of these crimes against civilization.
Obama hiding the guilty, page 2:
Sounds about right.
A WARNING TO THE WISE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! –
If Congress In This Election Year Want To Prove To Americans That They Have Are Interest At Heart They Can Stand From Their Childesh Sit In And Past The Following Bills Into Law.
!) War On Terriorism.
2) Ban On Refuges/Muslims
3) No Amnasty & Deport Illegal Aliens
4) Pass Kates’s Law
5) No Tax Dollars Spent On The Above Mention Groups
6) Arrest & Convict Hillary On Her Crimes Against Us & Our Country
7) Impeach Arrest & Convict Him Of Treason Against Us & Our Country
8) Fully Support On Both Side Of The Isles Possibly The Next Best President In US History!
Thank You Very Much!
This$#%&!@*would look good in a pine box
Never forget…Christians “Our God is God and there is no other…He is in control! Prayer and Praise to our Father!
But it IS us against them.
Nicely stated! 🙂
When a fowl
Odor occurs, the Democrsts MO. Is to redefine bad odors. ProAbortion becomes ProChoice. Homosexuality becomes Gay.