Speaking at a national security conference on July 23rd, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson stated that DHS will not state that ISIS is Islamic and the agency will in no way associate terrorism with Islam.
Ryan Lizza, Washington correspondent for The New Yorker, moderated the event and asked Johnson, “Why do you, and the Obama Administration, describe this as violent extremism and not – and refuse to use the phrase – Islamic extremism?”
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What do you expect when you have an Islamic Sympathizer running DHS.
Someone explain to me how this Muslim got the job as head of homeland security
So we should ask them politely to change their name?
Jeh Johnson is also a Muslin, along with a few others.
I can hardly wait until he walks out of the White Hiouse an go backt to wherever he came rom.
If it walks like a duck>>>
This dope should be arrested and charged with TREASON!!!!!
He’s a Muslim. Obama has place Muslims throughout our government. We are being destroyed from within!!!
Thus is cowardice at it’s best