Without a plan and without a clue, President Obama’s Secretary of Homeland Security pointedly denounced Donald Trump’s proposal to build a wall on the southern border of the United States. Considering the track record of the administration on border security, it is amazing that DHS chief Jeh Johnson mocks the idea for its simplicity. More of this simpleton on the next page:
Conservatives in office, REFUSED to rebuild our failing roads & bridges……how can the wall actually get built? Redoing our roads & bridges will help ALL of America……good paying jobs, safer roadways…. but Republicans didn’t want to allow Americans to work! So Trump want Mexicans to build the wall…………..See, still, no Americans will be working
Oh Trump will build it and Mesico will pay for it…vote for the man…
Because he’s a Muslim
Ever hear of voter fraud? Of course they vote. As long as there is no voter ID, anyone can vote as evidenced by who is currently living in the White House. And THAT is NOT who built America!!! LOL
Nutty as a fruitcake ! Too many people are engaging their mouths before their brains begin to function !
Mr Trump build your wall!
a wall or armed tanks which do you prefer,he is a sorry excuse for sec.of homeland security,we need the law offier from arizona
obummer’s muzzie puppet
Bravo! Best laugh I had all day.
I bet that was after someone explained to him what a wll is.