Without a plan and without a clue, President Obama’s Secretary of Homeland Security pointedly denounced Donald Trump’s proposal to build a wall on the southern border of the United States. Considering the track record of the administration on border security, it is amazing that DHS chief Jeh Johnson mocks the idea for its simplicity. More of this simpleton on the next page:
Idiot traitor. Hang him with odumbass.
I’ve heard that this man is of Muslim influence and realize why he does not want a wall interfeariing with their goals . It is an open door to the Muslim invasion of this country .
Doesn’t fit your plan, does it !
this guy is a joke
no fence..!!! lol.. Land mines !!!!!!!!
Coming from the dirtbag too busy spying on citizens to search for terrorist!!
He certainly doesn’t know what to do.
If u guys refused to rebuild our failing roads & bridges……….how’s the wall get built ??
Well Obama had shovel ready jobs but they weren’t shovel ready they tax us for roads and bridges ask Obama