“As a sovereign nation we must protect our borders, but building a wall across the entire southwest border is not the answer,” DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said as the audience applauded. Johnson made his remarks during a speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, (hmm…sounds like a racist group) in which he promoted Obama’s commitment to amnesty for illegal immigrants. (Yes, it is a racist group)
Johnson ridiculed the idea that an illegal immigrant from South America who traveled through Mexico would be deterred by a wall.
“As somebody else once said, ‘Build a 15 foot wall and I’ll show you a 15 foot ladder,” he said.
Johnson reported that 700 miles of wall have been built strategically as a result of a 2006 law passed by Congress, but that he was opposed to more walls.
“For the future, more walls is not necessarily the answer,” he said. “More technology for border security, not more walls.” He probably wants GPS trackers for all illegals to help them through the desert.
Johnson also dismissed the idea that it would be possible to deport the entire illegal immigrant population.“We are not going to deport 11 million people,” he said. “They live among us, we know them, they are becoming integrated members of society.
Source: Breitbart
Three lies in a row – Yes, we can deport millions of people.
Eisenhower got it done with a handful of agents. No, they do not live among us – they congregate in separate communities and do not mix. And NO, they have absolutely NO interest in becoming integrated members of society. Jeh Johnson takes his cues from the president in terms of honesty.
After his speech, Johnson participated in a Q-and-A with Rep. Luis Gutiérrez arguing that the Obama administration had decreased its number of deportations.
Finally, a truthful statement!
Everyone Obama has appointed is sleaze and corrupt
If the elections are even held, we will build a wall. No more illegals, no more Muslims
Who is this that can say this bout trp… A yes man for Obama
Just another Obama nutsack!
When Trump gets in office, this guy will be history and then he can watch history being made by Trumps wall
got a better plan??–didnt think so
Another mental giant in the Oblowme admin.!!!
Common sense … not common. Can;t get a grasp on reality or truth. Clueless as to how and why things work. Has help to create a society of really stupid people that, like himself, are clueless with no sense of what to do or where to go … or even how to get things done. And people wonder why our society is so messed up … you know it.
Lock step crony and a failure to his constituents.