Following the latest Islamic terrorist attack — this time on a nightclub in Orlando — President Obama, his administration, Hillary Clinton, and just about everybody else on the left are all doing everything they can to steer the conversation away from radical Islamic extremism. They are blaming everything from guns to white Christian conservatives to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
According to liberals, the only time it is okay to point out a shooter’s motivations is if they are a white Christian male.
President Obama gave a press conference on Tuesday where — yet again — he refused to call the Orlando massacre what it really was: an act of radical Islamic terror. President Obama instead only spoke generally of “domestic terror” and how it would all just go away if we got rid of that pesky Second Amendment to the Constitution.
The president made his opinions clear and his minions fell in line and regurgitated the same talking points. What is most frightening for law-abiding gun owners may be Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson’s proclamation on CBS This Morning that as far as he is concerned, gun control now falls under the purvue of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
To read more and to watch the video of Johnson’s remarks, continue on the next page:
Try bring your dumb$#%&!@*to someone’s door and tell them you feel your dumb$#%&!@*out ranks the Constitution and your there for their guns. I’m sure that they will give them to you one hot round at a time. Your trying to start a revolution in America dumb$#%&!@*
This lazy$#%&!@*moron should be defunded, he has never done his job!
You know that he’s a Muslim, right? He can’t do his job without showing favoritism to Muslims. He already has.
Well no surprise here, Jeh Johnson is a practicing muslim. Go figure right?
Muslims who are following Mu-ham-mad are terrorists??????????????????
How one can become a true Muslim? – 20 Commandments of Muhammad the founder of Islam in Quran:
1. Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Quran 65:4
2. have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Quran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Quran 4:34
4. have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Quran 24:13
5. Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Quran 33:57
6. Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Quran 8:12, 47:4
7. Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Quran 9:111
8. Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Quran 2:217, 4:89
9. Behead non-Muslims. Quran 8:12, 47:4
10. Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Quran 9:5
11. Terrorize non-Muslims. Quran 8:12, 8:60
12. Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Quran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Lie to Strengthen Islam. Quran 3:28, 16:106
14. Fight non-Muslim even if you don’t want to. Quran 2:216
15. Not take non-Muslims as friends. Quran 5:51
16. Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Quran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Quran 98:6
18. Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Quran 4:101
19. Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Quran 9:29
20. Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Quran 9:29.
For what it is worth, I was contacted by one person who actually purchased a quran. these and the 89 other quotes / commands I have posted are totally 100% accurate.
Murder, robbery kidnapping, RAPE, SLAVERY, pedophilia BOTH little girls and little boys, theft of property, TERRORISM, GENOCIDE, BURNING CHRISTIANS ALIVE, Mass drownings,$#%&!@* female genital mutilation, physical assault on the streets, religious persecution, wife beating and$#%&!@*are just some of the satanic parts of sharia. (islimeic law) It is mandated in the Quran and re stated / enforced by todays muslime clerics. If you or anyone else don’t like it, well then you and anybody else must be beheaded. Look it up. Research what their fearless leaders proclaim. The Islamic State has stated its objective is to establish a global Islamic Caliphate and eradicate all other religions, particularly Christianity, the religion of the “crusaders.” It has engaged in genocidal activities throughout Iraq and Syria against Christians, Yezidis, and other ethnic and religious minorities. This is the new ISLIMEIC cultural diversity.
You do nothing to secure anything fool
Why can’t we share the information?? Blast facebook, opray with it?
DHS, in control of gun laws? Right. Like the blind leading the blind. Only the writers of the Constitution could change it. When you get their okay, let me know.
The Obama administration I believe wants to have a Civil War between gun owners and liberals !! How do you think that’ll end up ?? I don’t believe the Military or the Police would back Obama on that issue !! According to the oath the military takes they are supposed to uphold the constitution and disobey any unconstitutional order !!! Even from the president !!!
Department of Homeland Security is a f****** muslim of course they would like to take our guns from us so they can kill us and we can’t fight back we have the Second Amendment come and take it from my cold dead f****** hands assholes