Following the latest Islamic terrorist attack — this time on a nightclub in Orlando — President Obama, his administration, Hillary Clinton, and just about everybody else on the left are all doing everything they can to steer the conversation away from radical Islamic extremism. They are blaming everything from guns to white Christian conservatives to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
According to liberals, the only time it is okay to point out a shooter’s motivations is if they are a white Christian male.
President Obama gave a press conference on Tuesday where — yet again — he refused to call the Orlando massacre what it really was: an act of radical Islamic terror. President Obama instead only spoke generally of “domestic terror” and how it would all just go away if we got rid of that pesky Second Amendment to the Constitution.
The president made his opinions clear and his minions fell in line and regurgitated the same talking points. What is most frightening for law-abiding gun owners may be Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson’s proclamation on CBS This Morning that as far as he is concerned, gun control now falls under the purvue of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
To read more and to watch the video of Johnson’s remarks, continue on the next page:
Come and get them,
Does it sound like these people work for the American people.
Wake up people
F**k you and your gun control bull$#%&!@*we the people need to take a stand and now befor its to late all they want to do is take our rights and our guns so the can just kill us off its all a fucking game to them its time for everyone to wake the fuckup and see the truth of what the$#%&!@*there doing to us they are using our money to kill us off what the$#%&!@*do you think there going to do when they get all our fucking guns from us they set this b******t up by killing and covering up this$#%&!@*so they can make you think its okay we will take care of you b******t its all about money people open your eyes and see the truth i was always told as i was growing up dont trust no one if you give in to them i fill sorry for you they will slave you and then kill you
Warning to this new liberal bigoted insurgence…to keep means it’s mine and you can’t have it
They have been scheming this ever since the muslim saboteur gained the white house. Bring boatloads of muslims here knowing they will eventually use guns to attack us then use that same excuse to try and disarm honest law abiding citizens. They all need to be removed from power immediately!!! Especially this one he can’t be trusted with anything!!
Yes this guy who is saying that the DHS is above the law is an emery of this nation by his own admossion.
Jeh is a scumbag muslim
Myra Grettenberg you nailed it