Following the latest Islamic terrorist attack — this time on a nightclub in Orlando — President Obama, his administration, Hillary Clinton, and just about everybody else on the left are all doing everything they can to steer the conversation away from radical Islamic extremism. They are blaming everything from guns to white Christian conservatives to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
According to liberals, the only time it is okay to point out a shooter’s motivations is if they are a white Christian male.
President Obama gave a press conference on Tuesday where — yet again — he refused to call the Orlando massacre what it really was: an act of radical Islamic terror. President Obama instead only spoke generally of “domestic terror” and how it would all just go away if we got rid of that pesky Second Amendment to the Constitution.
The president made his opinions clear and his minions fell in line and regurgitated the same talking points. What is most frightening for law-abiding gun owners may be Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson’s proclamation on CBS This Morning that as far as he is concerned, gun control now falls under the purvue of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
To read more and to watch the video of Johnson’s remarks, continue on the next page:
Too many muslims, in American government!!!
It’s time to put an end to this. B******t
He doesn’t know the constitution better read it well!!!!
Good luck with THAT.
Re-read? What makes you think he’s ever read it in the first place? Or that he can even read. Remember, when he was notified that a gyrocopter had come under the radar and landed in DC, his response was, “What’s a gyrocopter?”
Voting g Trump 2016. Together We All Will Make America Great Again.
Gun control is addressed in OUR Constitution. There’s no further need for you to address it, change it, discuss it or examine it. What makes you think it’s ok to take guns away from millions of law abiding citizens when a few criminals, who would have found a gun anyway, commit crimes? Drug addicts still get drugs and they are illegal. Gun control laws will work just as well.
This traitor has now become head of obummers gestapo. Like all liberals he thinks he knows whats best for us, what we want be dammed. I choose not to allow him or them to decide for me how and with what I will defend myself, my family and my country. I believe in the oath I took to defend the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. This man is a domestic enemy.
It’s not cool. Every aspect of America is at a boil. I hope and pray what I think is going to happen doesn’t. However it is heading their fast. The sleeping people are waking up. They have awoken a sleeping giant. Our country is only 240 yrs old as far as the USA. Our forefathers wrote the constitution as a guide to running our nation. It is the moral compass. The goverment has been chipping away at it. If you haven’t read it or read it for awhile pull it up see what it says. If we don’t make a stand America as they knew it will be completely gone.. It has to be taken back! Need to get the UN out of our country and the USA to get out of UN. Everyday I see more and more of the destruction. The people we have elected has sold us out period. It is time for We The People once again. I am neither dem or repub, tea party, libertarian etc etc that push their agendas on us. I am an American first and
foremost. Many have die to protect our way of life and defend our flag. We once stood for something now we are divided. Time to unite not for our goverment or even Trump but as a people, by the people, for the people. Yes I am voting Trump. The whole thing is it’s about us.
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