Following the latest Islamic terrorist attack — this time on a nightclub in Orlando — President Obama, his administration, Hillary Clinton, and just about everybody else on the left are all doing everything they can to steer the conversation away from radical Islamic extremism. They are blaming everything from guns to white Christian conservatives to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
According to liberals, the only time it is okay to point out a shooter’s motivations is if they are a white Christian male.
President Obama gave a press conference on Tuesday where — yet again — he refused to call the Orlando massacre what it really was: an act of radical Islamic terror. President Obama instead only spoke generally of “domestic terror” and how it would all just go away if we got rid of that pesky Second Amendment to the Constitution.
The president made his opinions clear and his minions fell in line and regurgitated the same talking points. What is most frightening for law-abiding gun owners may be Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson’s proclamation on CBS This Morning that as far as he is concerned, gun control now falls under the purvue of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
To read more and to watch the video of Johnson’s remarks, continue on the next page:
So. You do not supersede the Constitution. It is the supreme law of the land. Period, end of topic, end of discussion.
Please. Civil war and I’m betting the side wanting guns wins.
Abolish DHS not our Constitution !
Guns do not kill. !!! People do !!! How many times do you stupid people need told that !!!
Hang that racist
So now those who are supposed to protect us are going after our Constitutional rights. Really? We are hearing the DHS say they are the enemy of the people. They are saying that they are Ali ING themselves with our enemies against the American people. We are being attacked by terrorist and the DHS is saying they are above the constitution and are willing to disregard the constitution in order to disarm Americans in order for the terrorists to have easier targets.
How does that old say go, only with a modern day twist?
When guns are outlawed, only Muslims will have guns….
Hell no , lock and load brothers !!!!
Get ready for a civil war then