This week, Donald Trump finally pulled ahead of Hillary Clinton in the polls for the first time since the Republican National Convention. Given the amazing odds against him, this is no small feat.
The money is against him, the press is against him, and the political establishment is against him — and that last fact may be a bigger contributing factor than one might think.
It’s easy to see how establishment politicians use their power against Trump, but they’re not the only people in government, and they may not be the most influential, either. Trump supporters were never likely to listen to the opinions of the establishment politicians, but bureaucrats have been controlling the flow of information for years without being seen.
This week, the DHS was exposed for trying to influence our presidential election. Move to the next page to see how:
These People Have lots of problems Drugs, Crimes. They’re Rapists and Some, I Assume, are Good People, But Do We Really Want this Type of People In Our Great Country.
How much more before we can put the whole (A) bullcrap in jail?
Trump Release Your Taxes
That’s what I thought also. That’s ok I just go to the link where the story is. Heard that Facebook did that kind of thing. Can’t stop the truth!
he looks muslim to me or is black
No shocker
Lies and corruption….
There are at least 72 muslims in our Dept.of Homeland Security. obama order them to scrub the records clean of terrorist. One of them said “9/11 changed the world for the better”
These libs have to go, I’m sick of them forcing things on us that we don’t want and never listening to what we need. I will not be a Muslim, I will not give up my rights and will never vote for a democrat (communist) ever, not even for dog catcher.