The Department of Homeland Security was originally designed to fight terrorism, as you surely know.
Well, it seems they have expanded on their original purpose and are now acting like a police force for other federal agencies, like in this case for the EPA to bully a private citizen over something quite trivial.
Did they really need to shove this guy around over this?
Go to page 2 for the full story:
Maybe theythought it was another owner’s car.. wrong car.. happens. simple gun runners do it in gremlins. lol jkn.. ford, toyo’s honda.. etc
Seen on the news month ago they showed up in black suvs and carrying automatic Weapons. Seems crazy but its true.
Freedom is at stake here.
Too bad they aren’t that aggressive with the terrorists !!!
Why did they take the video off? It this another Land Rover or is this a different one? I know there was a couple that was surrounded by DHS vehicles as you would do in a raid for drugs or weapons. This is so out of line and I bet a real judge might have some issues of the legal aspects of what they did. There was no letter, no warning, just showed up and took it without a WARRANT OR COURT ORDER if I remember right.
the Goverment is over stepping its bounds they have to much power to abuse and its only gonna get worse
Seems like any excuse will do (or none)
they would pay for mine are die trying to take it
And terrorists are living among us. GOD HELP we the people.