The Department of Homeland Security was originally designed to fight terrorism, as you surely know.
Well, it seems they have expanded on their original purpose and are now acting like a police force for other federal agencies, like in this case for the EPA to bully a private citizen over something quite trivial.
Did they really need to shove this guy around over this?
Go to page 2 for the full story:
Sorry for the trouble, I’ve replaced the link again. Watch before it gets taken down as well
more evidence of the police state we live in
Another way to steal. JAIL THE TERRORISTS .
thieves in action stealing private property. is illegal ,they know it. the owner should sue their ass’s real good. fifty million for starters.
It happens if the vehicle entered the US illegally and was not brought up to standards. This case. I do not know. Grey market cars
not right
So now DHS agents do repo work for EPA?
Jack boots on the march
Its not repo work. They are taking them to ship to isas.
Obama gaining power thru more corruption!