The Department of Homeland Security was originally designed to fight terrorism, as you surely know.
Well, it seems they have expanded on their original purpose and are now acting like a police force for other federal agencies, like in this case for the EPA to bully a private citizen over something quite trivial.
Did they really need to shove this guy around over this?
Go to page 2 for the full story:
Well if it epa driven I guess I better house my new hummer! Lol
“Homeland Security Agents Ra…” This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by WBTV.
That’s disgusting!
Somebody needs to put a stiff object up DHS ass and control those pieces of human garbage.
Anyone who believes that this is all there is to the story is disgusting. You would think that a organization called Truth and Action would be interested in actually truth and not unsubstantiated rumors. It is pathetic how many people take what they say without any attempt whatsoever to verify the information.
they sound like alqueda terrorist to me not americans.
Conspiracy? Dustin Allen Winslow. I think not.
Hey America… You asked for this commie bull$#%&!@*.. Thanks a-holes…
Does anyone remember the FBI raiding Gibson guitar because they broke EPA regulation? You put enough laws on the books so you can pick and choose who you go after. Hitler didn’t happen overnight.