The Department of Homeland Security was originally designed to fight terrorism, as you surely know.
Well, it seems they have expanded on their original purpose and are now acting like a police force for other federal agencies, like in this case for the EPA to bully a private citizen over something quite trivial.
Did they really need to shove this guy around over this?
Go to page 2 for the full story:
Then we have all the vehicles on the road that tool along burning oil and drivers behindthem suffer the horrid emissions from the tailpipe … gee, don’t see anh feds going after these jerks.
new meaning for P I G puppets in goverment
The Police State and Gov. is getting closer and closer. Yuck
the DHS must be dismantled, destroyed, and every one fired immediately. This is just Obamas personal armament camp…
You mean this Fox News?
I’m buying 1000 shares of Reynolds first thing Monday morning! Tin foil is going through the roof!
Just a bit of overkill from a thug group of idiots…
Man folks get hurt doing that around these parts.
Make sure you owe taxes and do not file till we restore America.
Would someone please kll the fkr.