The Department of Homeland Security was originally designed to fight terrorism, as you surely know.
Well, it seems they have expanded on their original purpose and are now acting like a police force for other federal agencies, like in this case for the EPA to bully a private citizen over something quite trivial.
Did they really need to shove this guy around over this?
Go to page 2 for the full story:
More Bull$#%&!@* Abuse
islam is here folks get used to it you voted him in I didn’t this is just the beginning they have taken over the white house and senate we need to take back the senate in November by throwing out the democrats then we can clean house
He obviously was targeted. More B S for sure.
obozzo’s homeland NAZI’S at work.
Only in socialist/extremist controlled GOV
One day they will dish out once too many times and KARMA is gonna get em !!!
Must have been a diesel and running homemade diesel.
We must abolish the EPA now !
DHS needs deleted