Obama wants it all, even the water in your gutters. He desires federal control of every aspect of the country, down to the puddle of rain that accumulates on one’s property. WOTUS, the Waters of the United States rule, which attempts to regulate even the run-off water in ditches as being under the jurisdiction of the EPA, has been blocked by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Read the score on page 2, Farmers 1, Obama 0.
so every one who got flooded out in South Carolina can sue the EPA
Time to go judge-shopping!
water on his brain is root of his problem.
Than God!
Smile baby smile.More is coming.
Two Un American Ugly people trying to ruin America! Time to relieve them of their duties
B O and the other dude would be a great couple
when are you gonna have your EPA company clean up that river you trashed from the mine??
He is a POS!!!!