In Detroit, Mich., there are currently 12 Detroit Public Schools (DPS) whose principals’ are being indicted by the federal government for agreeing to order school supplies from Norman Shy’s company, Allstate Sales, in return for kick backs that totaled almost up to 1 million dollars, explains The Daily Caller.
But Cathy Brackett, teacher at Bennett Elementary School in Detroit explains how she thinks that this is a “pitiful“ event for the federal government to go after these principals for receiving bribes when they should actually be investigating the real “thieves“ in this giant mess. Brackett is referring to a further matter concerning the emergency managers who were appointed by the state to fix up the district’s devastated financial issues. Brackett told The Detroit Free Press that their Emergency Managers have been stealing, “not just thousands of dollars, but millions“ from the schools and the students.
Read more on page 2.
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Tks for this post: …www.truthandaction…/detroit-teacher-taking-1-million-bribes-little-bit-unethical/…
Yeah, is that like being a ‘little bit pregnant’?
gee i wonder what she or he looks like
Sorry dem trash..lock teacher up..
Here’s another reason Matt Damon!!!
When compared to congress this is true
Not good at all. Detroit schools are in such horrible shape. Now we know why.
no more than our government officials taking money from big doners then voting the way that helps them the most, and much less that john kerry, joe biden and several democratic senators taking money from the iranina lobby then voting yes for the iranian nuke deal that is really unethical
Kwame Kid. A shining star of Detroit
Liberal Logic