Chinese homebuyers and businesses are buying up much of Detroit, with assistance by Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, who has formally asked the Obama administration for 50,000 special federal immigration visas for those willing to work and live in the city.
Snyder has been trying to bring the Chinese into Detroit for many years, but after the city declared bankruptcy in 2013 a serious jump in rate purchases began. Many Chinese buy without even looking at the property.
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Ive been sayin “buy homes in Detroit, this city will come back” for awhile now!!
Wanna say something stupid again?
Thats the reason the bailout money went to gm! So they could move overseas and americans who worked there lost there jobs and moved out ! Now that land is up for sale to foreigners ! I used to deliver and move freight out of gm in detroit in 2000
China is gonna build a nuclear plant there and use the water resivoirs to its advantage if they have a spill no big deal they will just leave is the agony of contamination
U mean the goverment can land grab just like they did to the native americans !! Right its not our land its the native americans kands u n me were all brought here by our ancestors who didnt live here in the first pkace
Bring in foreign army on my dime!
Sold Out
TRUMP 2016!
The only true land owners are the native americans ! All of us got here fron somewhere else through our ancesters ! Thats y we dont have rights to these lands. And its up for rent action and the goverment can grab it wen they want
@[100000904778973:2048:Rackss Ryan]