Chinese homebuyers and businesses are buying up much of Detroit, with assistance by Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, who has formally asked the Obama administration for 50,000 special federal immigration visas for those willing to work and live in the city.
Snyder has been trying to bring the Chinese into Detroit for many years, but after the city declared bankruptcy in 2013 a serious jump in rate purchases began. Many Chinese buy without even looking at the property.
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Not good ¿?
It won’t be a Chinese city,by buying property you are only buying the right to use that land. The American government can still come in and “imminent domain” all of them. The Chinese fix up Detroit, cool, government comes in with “special interests” and thanks to imminent domain laws it can be taken and sold to someone else.
“May we live in interesting times!” old Chinese proverb!
“May we live in interesting times!” Old Chinese proverb!
The Chinese will bring that city back to life so long as they move every person out.
If the residents didn’t destroy their own city the Chinese would not be coming.
that is entirely false