Feminism, in concept, is a just battle. Equal rights for women is an uncontroversial topic in 2016 — and is one that has been achieved for the most part over the past century.
There remains no distinctions between men and women in the eyes of the law, but that hasn’t stopped hardcore feminists from demanding change anyway. In the absence of actual legal disparities between the two sexes, however, feminists have now taken to demanding additional rights not afforded to men.
In at least one instance, this call for favoritism for women may be significantly lowering the standards of security that’s afforded to our country by our armed services.
While the military has long promised that the qualifications one must meet in order to serve in particular military roles will not be lowered to accommodate women, new reports suggest that this won’t be the case at all.
To see what changes they’re proposing, continue reading on the next page:
Total BS this type of c**p will cost real marines their lives because of political correct BS in allowing sub-standard females into a field that they should not be in. Lowering the standards always produce sub standard members of every branch of the services. Set the standards so it applies to all genders involved. Instead of lowering it for gender specifics that apply to one gender over another. Same standards for all
No that’s not right if they want to be like the men then they should do the things the men do
Ahh, PC pansyism weakening even the marines. Time to reclaim our nation and cleanse it of the liberals and their pets.
As a Marine vet this is very wrong,if you want to be in combat the physical standards should be the same
How sad! Even the MARINES are willing to, “suck up!”
I’m sure that’s really going to help when a 250lb man NEEDS to be carried away from the fire.
ok……so this is where the “Equal Pay for Equal jobs” meme falls apart!!!!
we are now done. it is over. only if we have a large christian community that would fight back?