Feminism, in concept, is a just battle. Equal rights for women is an uncontroversial topic in 2016 — and is one that has been achieved for the most part over the past century.
There remains no distinctions between men and women in the eyes of the law, but that hasn’t stopped hardcore feminists from demanding change anyway. In the absence of actual legal disparities between the two sexes, however, feminists have now taken to demanding additional rights not afforded to men.
In at least one instance, this call for favoritism for women may be significantly lowering the standards of security that’s afforded to our country by our armed services.
While the military has long promised that the qualifications one must meet in order to serve in particular military roles will not be lowered to accommodate women, new reports suggest that this won’t be the case at all.
To see what changes they’re proposing, continue reading on the next page:
If the women can,t handle the physical standards already in place , they have no business joining.
This is sooo wrong! If you don’t have the physical capability to get through your basic training like you’re supposed to, then you shouldn’t join the Corp. If you think your woman enough to become a Marine, then by God go through the training exactly the way the men have to. Stop this, it’s too hard for me cause I’m a girl c**p! If that’s how you feel then don’t join.
I guess we don’t need people in the marines that are strong in spirit, strong in mind and strong in body.
you awesomen
They also might carry purses hilly say
These foolish actions will cost lives.
Hey. .i thought women wanted to be treated equal. ……i guess only when it’s convenient for them.
This is foolish. Are we building a fighting military or a politcally correct military.?
Can’t believe the Marine Corps is doing this! This goes against everything the Corps stands for. Huge mistake, Marines! You’re losing the right to use “Semper Fi!” The Corps should recosider their decision to make it easier for females!
Draft women!