Feminism, in concept, is a just battle. Equal rights for women is an uncontroversial topic in 2016 — and is one that has been achieved for the most part over the past century.
There remains no distinctions between men and women in the eyes of the law, but that hasn’t stopped hardcore feminists from demanding change anyway. In the absence of actual legal disparities between the two sexes, however, feminists have now taken to demanding additional rights not afforded to men.
In at least one instance, this call for favoritism for women may be significantly lowering the standards of security that’s afforded to our country by our armed services.
While the military has long promised that the qualifications one must meet in order to serve in particular military roles will not be lowered to accommodate women, new reports suggest that this won’t be the case at all.
To see what changes they’re proposing, continue reading on the next page:
Baloney! We’ve lowered our standards to allow stupid people, fat people, people with muslim beards, now stupid women! What idiocy!
Doncha just love window dressing? Our enemies do, …
Not a Good Idea
SHAME on the girls who weaken the team for their own egos… May they be the first to die.
These women know what their getting into its not their fault the military is doing this, these women just want to do their part and fight along side our men, but instead they are getting put down, and called names for wanting to be in combat, i have seen men who couldnt lift the weight, couldnt keep up the running like most women,this is a time us Americans should stick together and support each other, but the American just dont have it in them!!!
This is not right, it is lowering the physical standards the Corps has always had to please the idea’s of weak minded government .I was in the infantry and it takes a lot of strength to carry a pack on your back and all your gear, it’s just to hard for a woman. This tells me they want to make a weak Marine Corps. Devil Dog, Gung Ho, Grunt, Semper-Fi, may be a thing of the pass! God help the corps!
Some of the most vicious fighters during WWII were the women of the French Underground. There are somethings that women can do that men can’t. Some of the things are obvious and others they have to be taught. If they can’t do somethings that men can. Then they should not be given the responsibility or have the standards lowered for them. If they feel that they can, then hold them to the same standard that have been set for the job. Let them try, but if they can’t cut it, like some men, they should accept that!
Just what we need
Unqualified weak Marines
What are they going to bring back the pack mules to carry their packs for them also
B******T just B******T