Maxine Waters won’t stop calling Donald Trump and his cabinet racist — and now Alan Dershowitz seems to be fed up with the careless throwing around of that term.
While many on the left try to reason their way through their objectionable opinions of Trump, Waters couldn’t care less about reason. She will say anything, do anything, and believe anything that makes Trump look bad.
Take, for instance, the fact that she seems to believe Russian President Vladimir Putin invented the phrase “Crooked Hillary.”
So it’s not exactly a surprise that Waters thinks Trump’s entire cabinet is a “bunch of scumbags.” At one point or another, she has managed to call just about every one of Trump’s cabinet members racist — even Ben Carson, a fellow African American.
Now, someone is finally fighting back against Waters’ unhinged accusations of racism.
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Yes. She should talk to opra. She thinks to end racism “old white people must die”. Guess to Oprah’s way of thinking only old white people are racist.
When you’re totally MENTALLY DAMAGED like her, there’s is no cure.
That what she is she’s also crookedi
Yes, maxiepad’s both, she’s a liar, with bad hair days daily, too.
She is insane.
Maxine is a fruitcake that’s pretty much the norm for the Democratic party these days
Libs always accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of.
WOW…she’s lost it!!
this bitch needs laid to rest ! out of any public seat for the people she is the racists !! HEY Maxine DO WE SEE ANY ORGANIZATIONS LIKE the Congressional Black Caucus ?? or the NAACP ?? or Miss Black America ?? OR united Negro college fund ?? I COULD GO ON !!!! CAN WE IMAGINE IF WE whites WERE TO LET’S SAY HAVE OUR OWN NAACP -National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People ! Congressional WHITE Caucus ! NOW tell me BITCH WHO’S the real racists and keeps the division alive and bred ???? drum roll please !!!!! BOOM ! not the white !! EAT
Maxine is a big mouth Racist , herself