Maxine Waters won’t stop calling Donald Trump and his cabinet racist — and now Alan Dershowitz seems to be fed up with the careless throwing around of that term.
While many on the left try to reason their way through their objectionable opinions of Trump, Waters couldn’t care less about reason. She will say anything, do anything, and believe anything that makes Trump look bad.
Take, for instance, the fact that she seems to believe Russian President Vladimir Putin invented the phrase “Crooked Hillary.”
So it’s not exactly a surprise that Waters thinks Trump’s entire cabinet is a “bunch of scumbags.” At one point or another, she has managed to call just about every one of Trump’s cabinet members racist — even Ben Carson, a fellow African American.
Now, someone is finally fighting back against Waters’ unhinged accusations of racism.
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Maxine is the extreme hysterical liberal! Anyone who is not liberal she calls a racist! She spews more racism than anyone around!
Amen to that!
She is not very smart, when she starts blabbing, she is pathetic. Calling anybody she dislikes a racist only proves she not capable of holding a conversation. I do not know how she keeps her voters. She does not set a good example of intelligent conversation. She apparently is incapable. She is an embarrassment to her position. She obviously doesn’t research any issues she mouths off about all you hear from her is racist talk
Wow… from her own party.
I hate to say this lying cheating black woman is as bad as she anyone could be.
Blacks could Teach Racism they are Experts–
These liberals think they can say whatever they want and yell freedom of speech. Well here is something I would like them to learn.
Maybe it will take some law suits.
Although different scholars view unprotected speech in different ways, there are basically nine categories:
Fighting words.
Defamation (including libel and slander)
Child pornography.
Incitement to imminent lawless action.
True threats.
i agree
Exactly the truth
Talk to opra about that. She thinks only “old white people must die” because only they are racist. In her eyes no one else is racist.
They should listen to Michael Jackson Man in the Mirror.