Siobhan Householder had her mouth forcefully opened by a sheriff’s deputy in Summit County, OH after she took a prescription Tylenol while waiting in domestic relations court.
After the cop told her to spit it out, she said she couldn’t and before being able to explain that she had already swallowed one and that it was prescription Tylenol for a problem tooth, the sheriff threw her on the ground and forcefully opened her mouth.
Police state that she was actually under arrest and that it was for her safety. She states she was unaware she was under arrest because she came to court on her own.
“He said, ‘What are you taking?’ and I said, Tylenol,” she recalled. “And he said, ‘Spit it out’ and I said, ‘I can’t.’ I meant to say I can’t spit it out because I had already swallowed the other pills.
“But I didn’t even get that part out before he just yanked me up and threw me down on the ground and was trying to dig these pills out of mouth.
“And there was one [pill] in there and I couldn’t even get it out because he kept shoving his hand in my mouth and squeezing my face and pulling my hair at the same time.”
“They were acting like I wanted to escape from Alcatraz. It was awful,” she said.
She was also charged with resisting arrest after the incident.
Police State USA states that you must submit to their authority completely or suffer the consequences.
I would not live there if you payed me ! I was a correctional officer In Georgia for 16 years and I wasn’t allowed to treat a prisoner already n custody like that. It sounds like unnecessary/ excessive use of force. We were taught not to put our fingers in a detainee/prisoners mouth!
What is wrong with you people ?… That policeman was doing his job…. He was trying to make sure she was not swallowing something that could have been harmful or illegal… . All of you that are thinking he is SO BAD would be the first ones to want him fired if she had died or had to go to the hospital for something serious….
There is a right way and a wrong way to treat people! Gestapo thug $#%## like this @#$@!@ should not be allowed to carry a badge or a gun, because he has an obvious god complex and thinks his job allows him to treat all other Americans any way he sees fit! Very soon this Obama police state mentality is going to come to a close and I hope all these storm toppers are remembered and held to account in the Real United States and Constitutional violations are
punished very severely!
Scott that’s the primary reason you never put your fingers in a detained persons mouth.
Sonja first of all if that person had already been in custody she should have been already been searched and she should not have had anything n her possession and should have been cuffed she would have been unable to put anything in her mouth let alone have Anything in herbpossession to be able to do so .
If things are as presented here in this post she needs a lawyer
these deputies are getting out of hand–time they get fired and sued for what they are doind!
another NAZI thug.!!! that’s how they are being trained now
It’s quite a statement that cops will treat American citizens like this – but release criminal invading illegal alien filth that have committed crimes…our government treat parasites better then it treats its citizens!!!
“They” must submit to MY “authority”….or suffer MY “consequences”…. Former Army MP….& LEO….Oath Keeper…..