Siobhan Householder had her mouth forcefully opened by a sheriff’s deputy in Summit County, OH after she took a prescription Tylenol while waiting in domestic relations court.
After the cop told her to spit it out, she said she couldn’t and before being able to explain that she had already swallowed one and that it was prescription Tylenol for a problem tooth, the sheriff threw her on the ground and forcefully opened her mouth.
Police state that she was actually under arrest and that it was for her safety. She states she was unaware she was under arrest because she came to court on her own.
“He said, ‘What are you taking?’ and I said, Tylenol,” she recalled. “And he said, ‘Spit it out’ and I said, ‘I can’t.’ I meant to say I can’t spit it out because I had already swallowed the other pills.
“But I didn’t even get that part out before he just yanked me up and threw me down on the ground and was trying to dig these pills out of mouth.
“And there was one [pill] in there and I couldn’t even get it out because he kept shoving his hand in my mouth and squeezing my face and pulling my hair at the same time.”
“They were acting like I wanted to escape from Alcatraz. It was awful,” she said.
She was also charged with resisting arrest after the incident.
Police State USA states that you must submit to their authority completely or suffer the consequences.
Bite his fingers OFF
Police State
Most cops are generally a piece of pure $#%&!@*. Tyler and Tammy, you need your heads examined!!! VERY few cops out there want to protect the public. The rest wanna take your rights from you. Anyone who agrees with this cop’s actions has never ass wipped by the police before!!!!!!
According to the article total and complete cooperation is to be had for anywhere in the USA. There are 5 officers but only two actually were in the process of subduing the woman. She should have had more sense of leaving her prescription Tylenol at home and definitely not have taken it at the court house. That being said law enforcement is becoming more excessive in situations that should not warrant it. Was this officer’s life in danger? I doubt it. How was he threatened? This did not appear to be a situation where intimidation was warranted.
If in fact a script from a dentist or dr, She could own the state, county. Does everyone need their permission to take a pill ?
These cops are so self entitled
Hope you all love living in the police state you so haplessly accept.
Since when it is illegal to take medication that is prescribed to you? Under what premise did this officer do this? Just another daily example of cops being bullies with badges! No reason for this at all!
Could have just been tylenol
God help us, it is so sad society has dictated this kind of garbage from the police, and law enforcement people. AMERICA better wake up, and stop the garbage
Cops have become Sadist!…Check their families they could be in terror from daddy the cop!