A senior official of the Muslims of the Americas/Jamaat ul-Fuqra (MOA), a group linked to terrorism, stated during a deposition that it has a “community” outside Anchorage, Alaska.
MOA went on to say that it has “Islamic villages” all around the country, but refuses to disclose any more information about their organization. They claim to have no records on their own groups – even who even pays the bills in Islamberg, New York, one of 35 ‘Muslim only towns’.
An undercover NYPD agent who spent 8 years inside a compound claims these camps are conducting terror training, drug-running and assassinations they’ve carried out right here in the U.S.
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Obama and the CIA.
Obama knows where they are, he’s part of them.
If this is true, America better root them out and get rid of them..
i heard theres one in teaxs didnt think perry wouldnt have rooted them out by now. obama needs to go. what fox needs to due is put this on tv and show where they are and what states that would get obama out. or get the main leader and make him point the finger on how he got here and who is supporting him. is that where a billion rounds has gone too and a ton of money as well. wake up people for there coming for you
Fully sponsered by Obama…….and the new border invasion Obama has concocted allows hm to bring in large numbers smuggled in and transported all over the nation……which is obviously his planned move.
I’m praying for it. I mean as long as “THEY” are here,and it’s not just Hamas, BRING IT BITCHES. I’m a sick bastard like that.
Burn them down!
Every mosque in America is an al Qaeda training camp. Wake up sheeple and arm yourselves before it’s too late!!!!
BS. They not only KNOW, but collaborate with the other “villages”!