The political elites must be getting antsy about the upcoming election because they’re already coming up with ways to increase their control over the infrastructure and processes that will make it possible.
Since its formation in the aftermath of 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security has wandered well from its original purpose of protecting the US from terrorist attacks and started taking part in the gradual abrogation of Americans’ rights. Having classified supporters of conservative candidates as domestic terrorists in the past, DHS is now attempting to top that blatantly inappropriate venture into electoral politics.
For some time now, the department has been murmuring about designating the presidential election as a “critical infrastructure.” Such a designation would grant the federal government even more influence over the voting process, to say nothing of its results, and now that the FBI is on the alert after two cyberattacks on election boards, we may be much closer to this actually happening.
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HI Dianna,it’s a nice comment you put up there. I ll like to be your friend,please add me.
this guy has been bought and passed around to all the white house. they can not win the election honest they are paid for by the crimenals . it will be the same way after the debates nothing will change .i will vote because i know who will win
We are setting up for the crooked take over. Why don’t them have Iran count the phuken votes so she can win !!!!!
Hi Marilee,it’s a nice comment you put up there. I ll like to be your friend,please add me.
I’m sure this will work out pro Trump. It won’t work demoncrats.
This muslim is a traitor boot his$#%&!@*out
Hi Janet,it’s a nice comment you put up there. I ll like to be your friend,please add me.
Hi Sylvia,it’s a nice comment you put up there. I ll like to be your friend,please add me.
That’s not their job, take care of the illegals make sure they don’t vote. Send them all back to where they came from, that’s your job!
The Democrats know that we know that they are unfit lieing peaces of$#%&!@*and they are still going to try to cheat . IDIOTS