The political elites must be getting antsy about the upcoming election because they’re already coming up with ways to increase their control over the infrastructure and processes that will make it possible.
Since its formation in the aftermath of 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security has wandered well from its original purpose of protecting the US from terrorist attacks and started taking part in the gradual abrogation of Americans’ rights. Having classified supporters of conservative candidates as domestic terrorists in the past, DHS is now attempting to top that blatantly inappropriate venture into electoral politics.
For some time now, the department has been murmuring about designating the presidential election as a “critical infrastructure.” Such a designation would grant the federal government even more influence over the voting process, to say nothing of its results, and now that the FBI is on the alert after two cyberattacks on election boards, we may be much closer to this actually happening.
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“Zo kamrad, did you vote?” “Da.” “Did you vote korectly?” “Nyet.” “No matter, the voting machine will correct your mistake.”
And as long as,WE THE PEOPLE fail to take up our guns and,throw the trash out, we will get what we deserve.
No way in hell are you doing that…
Believe me Obama Will Try Any Shady Trick to get Control of the People Of America To Further His Agenda. Amen
Fn Muslim P.O.S. Your a Tratior to our Country !
Nope, won’t ever happen..not with out war..! – Do you have any way of proving this ?
U f….. Idiot
this is our election not yours ,that is socialism in its true form ,maybe someone should find out how all these dead people vote and how all those people got 25 dollars to use their names to vote and it is the dems who are doing it .