The political elites must be getting antsy about the upcoming election because they’re already coming up with ways to increase their control over the infrastructure and processes that will make it possible.
Since its formation in the aftermath of 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security has wandered well from its original purpose of protecting the US from terrorist attacks and started taking part in the gradual abrogation of Americans’ rights. Having classified supporters of conservative candidates as domestic terrorists in the past, DHS is now attempting to top that blatantly inappropriate venture into electoral politics.
For some time now, the department has been murmuring about designating the presidential election as a “critical infrastructure.” Such a designation would grant the federal government even more influence over the voting process, to say nothing of its results, and now that the FBI is on the alert after two cyberattacks on election boards, we may be much closer to this actually happening.
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Not in this country !!!!!
Get this creep out of there, we need an authentic and real election, we don’t need this joker fooling around. You can be sure it will be crooked if he’s got anything to do with it. This is crazy, who’s idea is this, Obummer or The Clinton’s! Bad idea, bad idea.
Pull this man off his job,hes working for Obama,cant anyone see he has all his inside people doing his bidding,congress needs to step in impeach Obama and remove all his puppets
Need to go
All this shouting about hacking is a ruse, so they can take over the voting process. Never let a catastrophe go to waste, is their motto. Whoever hacked the DNC, gave them a new idea for controlling who would become the next president.
This pos is a traitorous bastard too
This corrupt, anti American Muslim puppet, must go down!
OH hell No
Uh, how about NO!!!!