Recognizing that Democrats in Congress keep looking for an excuse to precipitate a government shutdown on Friday, President Donald Trump has decided to defer funding for the Mexico border wall until the fall.
In order to keep the government funded and running, Congress must pass a temporary spending bill by Friday. While President Trump was hoping to get funding to start construction of the wall, he realized that the Democrats would use the funding as an excuse to block the legislation and shut down the government.
Learn how the political dialogue is shifting toward “border security” as the leading catch phrase for both parties. Find out how the wall remains a key objective for the Trump Administration on the next page.
Don’t give in
We voted for the wall. Dems don’t want it so illegals can vote for them we need voter I’d and if your not a citizen get out. What the heck
B******t , let them shut it down !
Let them shut it down. It’s all bull$hit. Shut it down. Send all non- essential employees home. Fire everyone that was sent home, because they’ve already been identified as non-essential. Then call for a 50 state emergency vote to recall every senator and congressman. The People will shut down the government.
Ya let’s shut down the government. Stop any and all pay to Congress and all benifit programs. That will leave us enough to continue running. They don’t do anything ayway
These democrats are not hurting trump, there hurting the American people. He needs to get rid of all those pieces of$#%&!@*
He’s smart. I stand with Trump.
He needs a little more Bannon and a lot less establishment pawns in his ear. He’s “bending” quite a bit lately.
maybe, if those ignorant, blinded Dem’s would not lie,cheat,steal or murderer, just maybe, they would get some votes
Caving to a shadow govt?