There are many problems that have arisen due to the consequences that come from opening the gates to third-world refugees escaping war, and allowing them to flood countries where both cultures couldn’t be more dissimilar to each other.
To each country his own, but most who have allowed refugees to enter their country have experienced an upset due to the influx of people, and the resources needed to maintain them. Apart from that, the refugees show their true colors by raping countless female citizens in order to show just what they think of the country hosting them.
They can push their way into the rest of the world’s livelihood, but it goes to far when the Government is willing to change the law to accommodate the refugees, and put the peoples children in the hands of danger.
Find out on page two what law the refugees get to by-pass.
Discusting child molsters.
They will be doing it here next, be allowed to abuse kids next.
Those little ones look like they have wedding dresses on!! How can men be so cruel!! Poor babies!! Europe has gone mad!!
I’m shaking my head. That’s what happens when you put God out of your country. Ungodly leaders.
The Danish government should be ashamed of themselves for not protecting their MOST vulnerable!
Any country that allows abuse of children should be ashamed of themselves. How can anyone justify the abuse of innocent children. Then this is why all those kids are such a mess and grow up hating and doing the bad things they were taught. It is a disgrace to the world, not to protect children. This men should rot in hell to think that a little girl is ok to be a wife,,it is just disgusting.
Europe is in its death throes and I am afraid will no longer be around in the next 5-10 years. That’s what the Muslims have in store for the United States if Obama and his henchmen are still getting everything they want from a do nothing Congress and downtrodden Military.
Wickedness as in the days of Noah and Sodomn and Gomorrah