There are many problems that have arisen due to the consequences that come from opening the gates to third-world refugees escaping war, and allowing them to flood countries where both cultures couldn’t be more dissimilar to each other.
To each country his own, but most who have allowed refugees to enter their country have experienced an upset due to the influx of people, and the resources needed to maintain them. Apart from that, the refugees show their true colors by raping countless female citizens in order to show just what they think of the country hosting them.
They can push their way into the rest of the world’s livelihood, but it goes to far when the Government is willing to change the law to accommodate the refugees, and put the peoples children in the hands of danger.
Find out on page two what law the refugees get to by-pass.
this is a bad move parents you must protet your children from the immorality of islam
All of Europe is lost
Disgusting they must not care for their Children. Or the women they will be sorry before this is over. This is why I will Vote for Trump he cares for American. If he don’t win I feel sorry for American.
They will pay a terrible price.
Americans Please read the article by Kim Rodriguez.This is my fear lots of people voting could,nt tell you the name of the vice president or who a Senator is they just want free stuff Sad to watch what is happening to the country that used to be the greatest country in the world.Strange what seven years has done to our country Obama has almost accomplished what he set out to do with a lot of help from the Corupt GOP Establishment. May God Help us all that love America.
Prayers are out there for you and country my friend. Godspeed!
Muslim refugees who “work”??? with children???? Look at that picture. Do you find it disturbing the age of the men and the age of the children girls!!!! What the hell is wrong with Denmark? Where is our stupid president for not speaking up on this c**p?
There is something sick in this, and it’s called satan, there is no way in hell that will fly here in the United States. You don’t commit pedophilia here in the States without getting your$#%&!@*handed to you. So if you think we are going to allow this here you’d better think again. And keep your sick ways out.
denmark is opening the door to having their children molested and raped
Time to castrate these sick bastard