There are many problems that have arisen due to the consequences that come from opening the gates to third-world refugees escaping war, and allowing them to flood countries where both cultures couldn’t be more dissimilar to each other.
To each country his own, but most who have allowed refugees to enter their country have experienced an upset due to the influx of people, and the resources needed to maintain them. Apart from that, the refugees show their true colors by raping countless female citizens in order to show just what they think of the country hosting them.
They can push their way into the rest of the world’s livelihood, but it goes to far when the Government is willing to change the law to accommodate the refugees, and put the peoples children in the hands of danger.
Find out on page two what law the refugees get to by-pass.
Those poor little babies don’t know what’s ahead for them. God please bring destruction to these men and their perverted minds.!
They have
What is happening to the PLANET????
F**k Europe, they can keep all the Goatfuckers or send some to Vatican City.
I agree, but with a lot of FB posts .. This news outlet in particular .. Is not up on things . This picture is of sponsers . With young girls in Palestine . A special occasion for them and the girls dress up . As you can see that are Palestinian scarves and would not condone what is written here. People we are going to lose this fight if we do not research. . You can see the Palestine scarves on the men! This news outlet rarely dates their articles either , much of it is stuff we reported a while ago .
American people & our military need to take America back & kick Obama & everyone out of our’s time to clean house & start new!!!!
Government is suppose to be working for us not changing laws & making new ones for themselves & giving themselves raises
A day of reckoning coming soon you scum