There are many problems that have arisen due to the consequences that come from opening the gates to third-world refugees escaping war, and allowing them to flood countries where both cultures couldn’t be more dissimilar to each other.
To each country his own, but most who have allowed refugees to enter their country have experienced an upset due to the influx of people, and the resources needed to maintain them. Apart from that, the refugees show their true colors by raping countless female citizens in order to show just what they think of the country hosting them.
They can push their way into the rest of the world’s livelihood, but it goes to far when the Government is willing to change the law to accommodate the refugees, and put the peoples children in the hands of danger.
Find out on page two what law the refugees get to by-pass.
****PLEASE READ**** ! ! My sons story, There are so many out there praying for us and wishing us well, My son has aspergers, ADD, Clinical Anxiety and Clinical Depression with suicidal tendencies if there is anyone out there, a Celebrity maybe or anyone else with some clout who has the resources to get my sons story heard, My sons story would then have been given a chance of at least being read by the celeb or someone able to help in his cause. The story on my wall has been provided with so much proof it would make them sick over it and someone would have done something by now. I am still praying it will happen. INTERESTED in doing the right thing?? Championing a special needs child Being abused while it is ignored by everyone in the state of Illinois simply because he is different. While they refuse to admit that not only does it happen but that it is a frequent and growing issue across this country This kind of treatment will eventually affect all students and children in all Schools etc. If nothing else can you look at the post on my wall and read his story that I have been posting? Thank You! That story is why I have been repeatedly posting as replies on your posts for over a month now. Thank you. PLEASE READ MY WALL AND SHARE !!
Trump 2016
This is sick !!!!
It may be on our shores as well. It is epidemic, the list of acceptences our society has been allowing. In the 1700’s, Jim, those folks would have been taken care of, and you would not even know the deed or the consequences for the deed. In the south , they used to say, ” take them out to the sawgrass”.
I swear, there isn’t a single brain left in the government’s of Europe or America. Islam is islam there’s nothing moderate about it it’s had but one goal since inception rule the world by any means possible. We have members of CAIR the Muslim brother hood in our highest positions of security. If you think this is going to turn out well for America without blood spilling your really to ignorant to live.
Obviously they don’t care much about their children or the women who will be working with them. You will be very sorry !!
F**k em. It’s not America. And when they start killing and raping children and beheading people don’t ask for help.