Now Donald Trump is making Democrats sweat, too.
The UK Guardian – Darn it! Those Brits stole our headlines again! What is wrong with the domestic media?
With the New York real estate mogul remaining a front runner and significantly outpolling his GOP opponents, the Democratic National Committee has placed him on the list of “top tier” GOP candidates, The UK Guardian reports.
Read what they discovered on the NEXT PAGE:
Let me see here. I government formula being fed government statistics by a governmental leaders. Versus a company that is in business to make money?
You may choose to listen to a government and it’s been caught lying to us time and time again. Me? Not so much
They better
Democrats have no candidate that stands a chance to win.
And once again, there you go lumping everybody doesn’t agree with you into one group.
Trump Wins!!!
Trump Already Is A Winner!
Today, Be A Winner, Join In!!!
I Follow Jesus,
Disciple All Who Do,
Charles. …
We have no leader.
Louis Mcmurl, so why if u criticize Israel’s leader u hate Israel ?
The Republican way……