Now Donald Trump is making Democrats sweat, too.
The UK Guardian – Darn it! Those Brits stole our headlines again! What is wrong with the domestic media?
With the New York real estate mogul remaining a front runner and significantly outpolling his GOP opponents, the Democratic National Committee has placed him on the list of “top tier” GOP candidates, The UK Guardian reports.
Read what they discovered on the NEXT PAGE:
P..U..L..L..E…E…Z….E !!
and they should they can’t control him at all
Go D.
They should!
trump 2016!
Really they should fear Trump. Even if he has to run as an independent he’ll win. Americans are fed up with both parties. Especially the Demoncraps.
Well Right Time For Change ALL Politicians DEMOCRACTS Republicans Alike Look What Your Doing Did To This Blessed Land Of USA Now Is Total Makeover TRUMP TURN PRESIDENT TRUMP
Fear the truth !!!
Go trump all the way to white house !