The United States is a nation of Laws.
Anyone from an average person up to captains of business and members of Congress end up in serious trouble, often with prison time, when they ignore or circumvent those laws. It is amazing that the current president even changes his opinion of his own enacted laws on a whim and than alters or ignores them. It reflects shades of the tyranny of ancient potentates.
Take a look on the NEXT PAGE as the imperial White House resident wins applause for his arrogance:
The intent to commit a crime: malice, as evidenced by a criminal act; an intent to deprive or defraud the true owner of his property. People v. Moore. 3 N. Y. Cr. R. 458. (source: Black’s Law Dictionary)
Criminal Intent: Overview
Criminal intent is a necessary component of a “conventional” crime and involves a conscious decision on the part of one party to injure or deprive another. It is one of three categories of “mens rea,” the basis for the establishment of guilt in a criminal case. There are multiple shades of criminal intent that may be applied in situations ranging from outright premeditation to spontaneous action.
It is possible to establish criminal intent even when a crime is not premeditated. Individuals who commit a crime spontaneously may still understand that their actions will cause harm to another party and contravene existing criminal law. In other words, an individual that takes or withholds action with the knowledge that such behavior will lead to the commission of a crime can be said to possess criminal intent.
Law Dictionary: What is CRIMINAL INTENT? definition of CRIMINAL INTENT (Black’s Law Dictionary)
This is NOT America !
dems praising him for taking others rights …who will stand for them?
Funny, they all look like they are F**E people!
What has he done for you or us? There are 35 million more people on food stamps, millions more on other government $#%&!@*istance. Deficit from 8 trillion to 18 trillion. Race relations and crime worse than ever in all the democratic cities, where the federal government is trying to stop the thousands of black on black murders. Stagnant wages less 5k per household in last 6 yes. 3/4 jobs created part time low waged. Healthcare not so affordable up 20% to 40% in many states. The GDP is near zero and home buying at an all time low. Got our troops out without a plan after winning the wars now the middle East is at war and our country is being attacked. Indefinite free cell phones, internet, college, billions to failed cities, heath care, housing, day care, has not helped the poor but keeps them generation after generation in poverty and many turning to drugs and crime. The middle cl$#%&!@* paying for all of it.
Sick of Obama and his Dems !!!!!!!!
Figures a democrat is looking for a dictatlor who will take from others to give to them
Hey , If we want to get rid of all the democrat liberal parasites in Washington , you need to make sure you take as many people to the polls as possible to vote . We have got to carry this frustration on through next year and end this BS in November 2016 ! Come election day 2016 ; I hope we are all as fired up as we are this year !! We have a lot of dead voters and a lot of illegal voters to overcome ! If we don`t do it , who will ?
This just another of his ploys to get his way. He needs to be impeached post haste.
arrest and inprison