The United States is a nation of Laws.
Anyone from an average person up to captains of business and members of Congress end up in serious trouble, often with prison time, when they ignore or circumvent those laws. It is amazing that the current president even changes his opinion of his own enacted laws on a whim and than alters or ignores them. It reflects shades of the tyranny of ancient potentates.
Take a look on the NEXT PAGE as the imperial White House resident wins applause for his arrogance:
Follow us to learn the mainstream media truth !
Just another reason for impeachment.
if you follow the Beast,you will recieve the same judgment at the coming of Christ,
They ALL are a bunch of Racist Liberal IDIOTS – DemonRATS are the best description of these EVIL IDIOTS!
Mindless drones are not only in the air, they are in Obamas audiences.
Not so amazing, perfectly believable from that crowd!!
I’m glad Michael Brown is dead
of course they do FCKING TRAITORS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they have no idea what they are asking for
Just get him out. Impeach