Judicial Watch announced it filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission requesting investigation of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The DNC has “knowingly hired” an illegal alien, Cindy Nava, to craft the committee’s 2016 political message to the Hispanic community.
Judicial Watch filed its complaint on August 25, 2015.
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democrats don’t have principles, just agendas.
…and enough money to bribe, extort or blackmail. bid-ness as usual.
Sick and tired of paying for illegals
Politicians and Liars, they mean the same thing.
Clinton probably got her hired.
Does anyone need any more proof of the corrupt ness of the Democratic Party?!
They can violate the law,but a Christian lady goes to jail for her beliefs,as usual,its all one sided!
Absolutely totally unacceptable. They violate the law daily and nothing is ever done about it.
Seems a tad UN–
Just following Obama’s lead.