A group of 14 Democrat senators have written a 4-page letter to Obama urging him to sharply increase the number of Muslim refugees from Syria that the State Dept. is resettling in the U.S.
“While the United States is the largest donor of humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees, we must also dramatically increase the number of Syrian refugees that we accept for resettlement,” reads the letter.
What a bunch of low life Communist traitors ,,, They all hate America.
Let,s go for ZERO …nice round number…
Democrats need to change to Republicans unless you want more of the same.
Make sure these Syrian Refugees know the address of Di Feinstein in CA & W DC
Brain dead democrats.
Supposing they will all vote Democrat without even legal registration.
Members of the Illuminati.
On vetting the refugees… Michael Steinbach, deputy assistant director of the FBI counter-terrorism unit, admitted at a hearing before the House Homeland Security committee on Feb. 11 that reliable records are not available in a “failed state” like Syria.
This is a building up of illegal voters. Democrats cannot win without an illegal edge. Like the past two illegal elections. ..that are still being investigated.