A group of 14 Democrat senators have written a 4-page letter to Obama urging him to sharply increase the number of Muslim refugees from Syria that the State Dept. is resettling in the U.S.
“While the United States is the largest donor of humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees, we must also dramatically increase the number of Syrian refugees that we accept for resettlement,” reads the letter.
Deport her to a nut house and tightly secured one. Laura P.
Are they absolutely no fear for their loved ones, if they care at all
There you go!!!! Get rid of the liberal minded Democrats Immediately!!!! No good can come from democrats!!!!!
I’m glad I’m not a Democrat anymore. I’m an Independent now
Future demtards
This is about votes, and nothing but votes! Theses “stupid fools”, are willing to put the safety of this country and the lives of it people at risk for votes! I strongly urge you to get all over your Representatives in the house and senate to try to put a stop to this!!! It has been said that ISIS is already in every state in the USA!!! (Rumor I don’t know). We as a people better make our voices heard, and strongly. There is not enough jobs already, and our “Government” is running horribly in the red!!! “OUR COUNTRY CANNOT SUSTAIN THIS INVATION”, and it is only going to cause chaos in this country! This could result in Martial Law, and suspension of the net election to keep obama in the White House! Heaven forbid, we will fall as a Country, if this happens. PLEASE, MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD AND PREPARE FOR THE WORST, WE HAVE A CRIMINAL IN THE WHITE HOUSE, THAT WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO SEE THIS COUNTRY DESTROYED!!!!! IMHO
I wonder how many poor ole Muslim refugees ole Bag Feinstine, will let enter and live in Her neighborhood??
Let them live with the Dems that want to bring them here.
Put them all in your homes on your property, dumbrats.