A group of 14 Democrat senators have written a 4-page letter to Obama urging him to sharply increase the number of Muslim refugees from Syria that the State Dept. is resettling in the U.S.
“While the United States is the largest donor of humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees, we must also dramatically increase the number of Syrian refugees that we accept for resettlement,” reads the letter.
We need to have the heads of these 14 Senators.
You’ve got to be kidding…
Not for long ! Trump USA
What a terrifying request!
We can send them to your grand children’s school, the Muslims love sweet young children.
Hitler with a tan !
she is a retarded idiot
Let them live in your backyards….
An awakening began on September 11th, 2001 and it was the first of al-Qaeda’s 7-phase plan. That’s one of the intertwined foundations of the Christian suspense novel, Invasion 2020.
The novel includes facts about the true nature of Islam and their agenda concealed by a compliant media and an ignorant administration. With references to many true stories and articles about Islam, the reader can see how much has been hidden from their view.
The suspenseful story takes the reader on a journey with terrorist attacks, political intrigue, plus a web of media and government deception. There are also spiritual transformations, changed lives, and even a little romance.
You’ll want to follow the compelling character’s ups and downs, their conflicts and challenges coupled with their battle to inform the public about the dangers and reality of Islam. The author doesn’t just weave a good tale about good and evil, but enlightens, entertains and educates.
These people are crazy to even think of bringing more of them here!!!!