A group of 14 Democrat senators have written a 4-page letter to Obama urging him to sharply increase the number of Muslim refugees from Syria that the State Dept. is resettling in the U.S.
“While the United States is the largest donor of humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees, we must also dramatically increase the number of Syrian refugees that we accept for resettlement,” reads the letter.
If we as citizens dont stop this then this country will be in grave danger. They are bringing in terrorists by the truck load and all of America will be targets
What is wrong with these idiots!?!
amen i agree
Don’t you think we have enough trouble already, maam?
Who dresses these ladies? UGH!!
the dumbocRATs are once again proving how out of touch with reality they are
YO obummer , take you muslims and go back home
Now you can see why Her is dying
These dip$#%&!@*s could care less about America, they are knocking on deaths door.
Another addition to the Moron Hall of Fame!