A group of 14 Democrat senators have written a 4-page letter to Obama urging him to sharply increase the number of Muslim refugees from Syria that the State Dept. is resettling in the U.S.
“While the United States is the largest donor of humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees, we must also dramatically increase the number of Syrian refugees that we accept for resettlement,” reads the letter.
Another reason we need term limits
why? surely these clowns can’t be expecting a new voting block. and, if it is, a new voting block, these dinasours are too old to reap the benefits anyway. I’m thinking that a lot of silver crossed a lot of palms.
An act of treason
What is she grinning about, is it because she thinks muslims treat their women folk good. Women are lower on the totem pole than their camels.
You know he will bring his people!! Cause after all he is Muslim American not afican American.
I am amazed at the sheer stupidity of the demoncraps that want to bring in the muzzie terrorists to kill us all
if they are doing this they need tobe beheaded for there crime against America
What about the Christians who want it??