Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s impartiality has been questioned due to his hiring of attorneys who are significant donors to the Democrat Party. This issue of alleged Russian involvement in our 2016 presidential election is politically-charged enough without adding concerns over whether the person leading the investigation will conduct it without regard for political party.
With the Democrats desperate for something that can be used to derail President Trump, Mr. Mueller’s investigation becomes almost a sacred cause to them. They think they smell blood in the water and are prepared to take whatever actions they can to maximize the chances the Mueller comes up with something they can use to stop President Trump.
Right now their concern is that President Trump might decide Mueller isn’t conducting an impartial investigation and fire him as well as Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Seeing a possible opportunity to attack the president slipping away, the Democrats are making threats of impeachment should he take that action.
More on page two.
****** black market mayo/ clinton ORGANS****
Beranton J. Whisenant Jr, found dead with head trama March 24 – found connected to the DNC lawsuit – people reached out them
1.)CONNECTION – Whisenant – J. Plotkin(sp?) – Jacksonville, FL – Plotkin was Dir St. Attorny Office in Jacksonville 93 – 2009, until 2009 sup over 130 attorneys and 300 support staff. Whiseant is a jacksonville FL native, not miami (where he worked) and/or Brower County (where he was found) – grad HS in 1997 from bishop kenny HS- worked as asst st attorny w/ 4th Judical Circuit- Plotkin and Whiseant worked in State Attorneys Office in Jacksonville, FL at the same time.
2.)CONNECTION – Jacksonville, FL – Mayo Clinic – Mayo Clinic has a hospital in Jacksonville, FL
3.)CONNECTION – Mayo Clinic – Judge Harvey E. Schlesinger – lawsuit filed 2015 in Federal court in JV, FL against Mayo Clinic in a connection with an organ transplant case – Judge Schlesigner presided over the case.
4.)CONNECTION – Judge Harvey E. Schlesinger – J. Plotkin(sp?)- Whisenant – Plotkin is Judge Harvey E. Schlesinger’s son in law – Whisenant’s body was recoved May 24, 2017 – Jun 8th 2017, Judge Harvey E. Schlesinger threw out the case against the Mayo clinic JV, FL on summary judgement
5.)CONNECTION – Mayo Clinic – Clinton Foundation – a number of hospitals include Mayo Clinic and St Vincent’s, co-sponsered a launch event in Northeast Florida in connection with the Clinton Health Matters Initiative.
6.)CONNECTION – Mayo Clinic – Government Officals – The Ameritus Public Trustee of the Mayo Clinic include:
Thomas J Brokaw, Barbra P Bush, Richard B Cheny, Seneator Thomas A Daschle, Paul A Boulker – Mayo Clinic services include: organ transpants, marrow transplants, blood transfusion, and genetic medicine
7.)CONNECTION – Clinton Foundation – Haiti connection
8.)CONNECTION – Klaus Eberwin – Haiti Connection – former Haitian Goverment Offical – Klaus Eberwin, July 11 2017, was found with a gun shot wound to the head – Found at 14501 South Dixie Hwy, at a Quality Inn – 7.5 miles from her office
9.)CONNECTION – Peter Smith – Mayo Clinic – Peter Smith, took his own life, May 14, 2017 Rodchester, MI in a hospital – Near Mayo Clinic at the Aspen Suites – The Aspen Suites is across the street from the Saint Mary’s campus Mayo Clinic is exclusively used by patients of the hospital – Peter Smith left a suicide note saying no foul play, said a bad turn in health and insurnace expiring was the reason – was reportedly searching for emails
Maybe we should impeach this clown.
I issue democrats a warning you mother fuckers are gona reap the whirlwind of bullets from pissed off patriots
Don’t listen to these criminals and traitors Mr. President. Fire that$#%&!@*now.
Deplorables give warning to Progressive-fascist Democrats you will keep losing seats if you keep pissing us off. The silent majority will speak through the ballot box and send more Progressive-fascists into retirement.
Not happening
Fire the Deputy AG and Mueller.
Traitors the lot of them, especially Mueller
“If” makes that sound like a threat. Be careful what you wish for demos, you’ll find yourself on the losing end of the stick!