Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s impartiality has been questioned due to his hiring of attorneys who are significant donors to the Democrat Party. This issue of alleged Russian involvement in our 2016 presidential election is politically-charged enough without adding concerns over whether the person leading the investigation will conduct it without regard for political party.
With the Democrats desperate for something that can be used to derail President Trump, Mr. Mueller’s investigation becomes almost a sacred cause to them. They think they smell blood in the water and are prepared to take whatever actions they can to maximize the chances the Mueller comes up with something they can use to stop President Trump.
Right now their concern is that President Trump might decide Mueller isn’t conducting an impartial investigation and fire him as well as Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Seeing a possible opportunity to attack the president slipping away, the Democrats are making threats of impeachment should he take that action.
More on page two.
Right we have proven these little pig wrong every time. And yet here they are saying the same thing. They have never advanced from little kids.
Do these guys realize how much the stock market is in favor of President Trump and for the economy. The left are trying to steer away with this reality which is very good for the country. Plus our Allies in the East want to work with President Trump! There is much to be Thankful for. Now if we could get the Republicans to work together on the same page.
Keep it up Democrats…you’re digging your hole deeper and deeper!
William Blasdel , I am with you. My family was always democrat but the party has forgotten why they were elected….to serve the people. I will probably never vote democrat again.
Democrats can’t be trusted with our country anymore
Who gives a$#%&!@* you idiots can’t do anything but talk.
And we yje people want to impeach the wholesale democratic party in congress…. your not doing the job you were elected to do but P**S AND MOAN YOU LOST TO TRUMP ….. GET OVER IT ALREADY
Well dumb Democrats you continue threatening the president of the United States now you’re giving him a warning quote we warn you do not fire this guy (who’s after you) or we will impeach you, more threats!!
What goes around comes around. U hateful Dems are opening urselves up to more than u could anticipate. I can’t wait for the hammer to drop