Every nation has stains on its history, the recollection of which should be reason for a bit of humility. Tragically, much of human history is a record of wars and violence. We’re reminded of this just by how quickly we recall the major wars of the past or periods of persecution whenever we take a look at history. It’s a very unpleasant, but no less real, part of who we are.
It is for this reason, that sincere work at making peace and fostering reconciliation among peoples is typically held in high regard. It might even have been part of the motivation for the creation of organizations such as the League of Nations and the UN, although both institutions have not only failed miserably at fostering peace, but the UN has been co-opted by those who would impose a one-world government, and turned into a monstrosity that should be abolished. That it has turned into a vehicle for bashing the US can be seen in its recent demand that the US government make reparation to those the UN alleges are the victims of “police lynchings.”
Slavery has been practiced by nations and cultures for millennia, and tragically became part of America until the mid 1860s. Equally sad is the fact that we still contented with the aftermath of slavery 150 years after its abolition. That healing is desirable should be obvious. But demanding reparations isn’t part of the solution despite the views of at least one Congressman as he once again introduces legislation relating to this. More on page two.
They can suck it!!!!
I’m all for reparations. If you can validate that you have actually been a slave, then you should receive reparations. Likewise, if it can be shown that you have actually owned a slave, then you should pay reparations.
If known history… Black sold black into Slavery back in 1500 – 1799 … So are U going to ask those Country in Africa to Pay U Also …… Well ?…………………. Crazy Talk again …………… la la land …………
H e ll no!
It’s insane to think I should pay for what was done 150 years ago. Not surprised though that this group of morons wants something for nothing.
Getting sick of hearing that$#%&!@*, get off your$#%&!@*and get a job !
Virginia Lamp did you miss to point? Irish are white last time I checked. Maybe English is not you first language and you just did not understand.
I’ll just take mine back he can sleep in the garage
All the slaves